Superstition Mountain - OHVA      
Bureau of Land Management  (View this site)
Imperial County, California
Nearby Cities:  Brawley and El Centro
Nearby Trails:  Plaster City OHVA and Imperial Sand Dunes OHVA
Nearby Shops:  Napa Auto Parts and Pete's Auto Parts  (Brawley, CA)
"Located north of the Plaster City OHV Open Area, this 13,000 acre open area
presents an array of challenging OHV riding opportunities from sand dunes to
mud hills. Cross-country OHV use is permitted within the boundaries of this
area. Limited use areas and military practice bombing targets are immediately
adjacent to the open area. Please observe all posted signs and do not enter the
bombing ranges."

- Superstition Mountain OHVA
From Interstate 8     (San Diego -  115 Miles)
-  Head east bound on Interstate 8  (95.6 Miles)
-  Take Exit 101, Dunaway Road, north  (1.9 Miles)
-  Turn right onto Evan Hewes Highway  (4.3 Miles)
-  Turn left on Huff Road  (6.4 Miles)
-  Turn left onto Wheeler Road  (6.8 Miles)
Observe the posted signs and stay out of bombing ranges

From Interstate 8     (El Centro - 23.5  Miles)
-  Head west bound on Interstate 8  (6.8 Miles)
-  Take Exit 107, Drew Road, north  (1.3 Miles)
-  Turn left onto Evan Hewes Highway  (2.1 Miles)
-  Turn right on Huff Road  (6.4 Miles)
-  Turn left onto Wheeler Road  (6.8 Miles)
Observe the posted signs and stay out of bombing ranges
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