Stonyford - OHVA
Nearby Cities: Stonyford, Willows and Maxwell
Nearby Trails: Lake Pillsbury, Cow Mountain, and Knoxville
Nearby Shops: Napa Auto Parts (Willows, CA)
"The south end of the Grindstone Ranger District offers over 200 miles of some
of the most enjoyable and challenging OHV routes in the nation. The
"Mendocino OHV Corridor" is a designated 40 mile, east-west route across the
south end of the Forest connecting the Grindstone Ranger District's Fouts
Springs/Davis Flat OHV Staging Area and the Upper Lake Ranger District's
Middle Creek OHV Staging Area.
6,000 feet (near Goat Mountain). Vegetation varies from low elevation chaparral
to tall pine and fir forest in the high country.
The Grindstone Ranger District is not an OHV "park". Off-highway vehicle
recreation is just one of the many uses allowed on National Forest lands.
Please be considerate of others you may encounter in the forest."
- Mendocino National Forest
From Interstate 5 (Willows - 46 Miles)
- Head south bound on Interstate 5 to Maxwell (17.0 Miles)
- Take Exit 586 onto Maxwell Road (9.7 Miles)
- Turn right onto Sites Lodoga Road (13.9 Miles)
- Turn right onto Lodoga Stonyford Road (2.2 Miles)
- Take a left onto Goat Mountain Road (3.7 Miles)
From Interstate 5 (Sacramento - 97 Miles)
- Head north bound on Interstate 5 to Maxwell (67 Miles)
- Take Exit 586 onto Maxwell Road (9.7 Miles)
- Turn right onto Sites Lodoga Road (13.9 Miles)
- Turn right onto Lodoga Stonyford Road (2.2 Miles)
- Take a left onto Goat Mountain Road (3.7 Miles)
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