Stoddard Valley - OHVA      
Bureau of Land Management  (View this site)
San Bernardino County, California
Nearby Trails:  Johnson Valley, El Mirage Dry Lake, and Pinnacles OHVA
Nearby Shops:  Napa Auto Parts and Kragen Auto Parts
Off-Highway Vehicle Area offers a diverse landscape for off-highway vehicle
recreation. It is characterized by steep rocky mountains, rolling hills, open
Elevations range from 5,000 feet on Stoddard Peak, to 2,800 feet at Turtle Valley.
Vegetation consists of creosote scrub, annual grasses, wild flowers and the
Joshua tree; a symbol of the Mojave Desert."

- Stoddard Valley OHVA
From Highway 247     (Eastside -  6.9 Miles)
 From Barstow
-  Turn right on Stoddard Wells Road  (2.1 Miles)

From Interstate 15     (Westside -  9.6 Miles)
-  From Barstow
-  Take I-15 South  (7.4 Miles)
-  Exit 175, Outlet Center Drive (2.2 Miles)
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