Rasor - OHVA      
Bureau of Land Management  (View this site)
San Bernardino County, California
Nearby Trails:  Johnson Valley, Stoddard Valley, and Dumont Dunes
Nearby Shops:  Napa Auto Parts and Kragen Auto Parts  (Barstow)
Rasor has rolling hills, open valleys, and sand dunes that invite riders willing to
down to around 1,275 feet elevation at the Mojave River.

Besides the remote nature of the area, another attraction is the historic Mojave
Road which runs through the riding area into the newly designated Mojave
National Preserve (street-legal vehicles only in the Preserve). Vegetation
consists of creosote scrub, some annual grasses and wild flowers."

- Rasor OHVA
From Interstate 15     (Barstow -  47 Miles)
-  Go North on Interstate 15 toward Las Vegas  (46.8 Miles)
-  Exit onto Basin Road for park access
-  Additional access at Rasor Road  (3.8 Miles beyond Basin Road)

From Interstate 15     (Las Vegas -  104 Miles)
-  Take I-15 South  (104 Miles)
Exit onto Rasor Road for park access
-  Additional access at Basin Road  (3.8 Miles beyond Rasor Road)
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