Lark Canyon - OHVA
Nearby Cities: Pine Valley
Nearby Shops: 4 Wheel Parts and Off Road Warehouse (El Cajon, CA)
"Among the live oaks in southeastern San Diego County, is the Lark Canyon
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Area and Campground. Located in McCain Valley
Resource Conservation Area, Lark Canyon OHV Area is designed specifically
narrow trails.
Several miles of trails are located in the OHV area. The Wounded Knee Trail is a
challenging ride that rewards riders with views of McCain Valley and
surrounding area. All of the trails in the OHV area are signed. The area is
designated as limited and riders are required to stay on designated trails.
Cross-country travel is prohibited. Except for travel in to or out of the
campground, OHV use within the campground is prohibited. "
- Lark Canyon OHVA
From Interstate 8 (San Diego - 69 Miles)
- Head east bound on Interstate 8 (60.9 Miles)
- Take Exit 65 onto Hwy 94 / Ribbonwood Road (0.9 Miles)
- Turn left at Old Highway 80 (1.9 Miles)
- Turn left onto McCain Valley Road (5.4 Miles)
From Interstate 8 (El Centro - 57 Miles)
- Head west bound on Interstate 8 (48.4 Miles)
- Take Exit 65 onto Hwy 94 / Ribbonwood Road (1.0 Miles)
- Turn left at Old Highway 80 (1.9 Miles)
- Turn left onto McCain Valley Road (5.4 Miles)
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