Jawbone - OHVA      
Bureau of Land Management  (View this site)
Kern County, California
Nearby Trails:  El Paso Mountains, Panamint Valley
Nearby Shops:  Napa Auto Parts and California City Auto Parts
"From cross-country play to advanced technical routes, the Jawbone OHV Area
your skill and machine will take you.  Jawbone is also a great starting point to
begin to explore the hundreds of miles of trail riding opportunities available in
this region and outside of the OHV Open Area"

- Jawbone OHVA
From Highway 58     (Barstow -  92 Miles)
-  Take Highway 58 west  (67 Miles)
-  Exit 167 Highway 14 north  (25 Miles)
-  Turn left onto Jawbone Canyon Road

From Highway 58     (Bakersfield -  82 Miles)
-  Take Highway 58 east  (57 Miles)
-  Exit 167 Highway 14 north  (25 Miles)
-  Turn left onto Jawbone Canyon Road
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Overview map   (Bureau of Land Management)