Nearby Towns: Hollister, Salinas, Watsonville
Nearby Trails: Frank Raines OHVA
Nearby Shops: San Benito Auto Wreckers, Kragen, Trains 4x4 & Off Road
From Hollister
- Head South on San Benito Street / Highway 25 (1.7 Miles)
- Turn Right on Union Road (0.3 Miles)
- Turn Left on Cienega Road (1.4 Miles)
- Continue on Cienega Road to Hollister Hills entrance (3.7 Miles)
"Welcome to Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area. Hollister
Park elevations range from 660 feet to 2,425 feet.
This 800-acre area, which has about 24 miles of trails, is used for 4-
wheel drive recreation and for 4-wheel drive and motorcycle special
events; a fenced motocross track is also located here. Four-wheel drive
operators should call before coming, especially on weekends, to make
sure that the area isn’t reserved for a special event. To use the area for
the day, register first at the park office. If your vehicle gets stuck or breaks
down, you are responsible for removing it. The Upper Ranch may be
accessed for day use from 8 a.m. to sunset. Vehicle operation is allowed
only between sunrise and sunset."
- Hollister Hills SVRA
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