Fort Sage - OHVA
Nearby Towns: Susanville, CA and Reno, NV
Nearby Trails: Dog Valley OHVA, CA and Peavine OHVA, NV
Nearby Shops: Napa and Kragen (Susanville, CA)
"The Fort Sage Special Recreation Management Area is located in the high
desert region of northeastern California, about 45 miles north of Reno, Nevada.
The recreation area consists of approximately 22,000 acres of public land that is
managed primarily for off highway vehicle use and winter deer range. Vehicle
use within the recreation area is limited to designated roads and trails to
ensure that the two primary uses remain compatible throughout the future.
The Bureau of Land Management has designated the approximately 90 miles of
routes within the recreation area to be used for motorcycle, ATV and 4wd use
depending on the width of the trail. The routes traverse a wide variety of terrain
including flat, sandy, high desert sagebrush country and rocky, steep canyons
and gulches."
- Fort Sage Special Reccreation Management Area
From Highway 36 (Susanville - 44 Miles)
- Take Highway 36 south (4.1 Miles)
- Highway 36 becomes Highway 395 (34.4 Miles)
- Turn left onto Laver Crossing- north of Doyle (1.4 Miles)
- Turn right onto Hackstaff Road (1.2 Miles)
- Turn left, north, on Fort Sage Road (1.0 Mile)
- Turn right onto the access road to the staging area (1.5 Miles)
- Trail maps are available at the trailhead.
From Highway (Reno - 47 Miles)
- Take Highway 395 north (42 Miles)
- Turn right onto Doyle Loop (0.6 Miles)
- Turn right onto Hackstaff Road (2.1 Miles)
- Turn right onto Fort Sage Road (1.0 Mile)
- Turn right onto the access road to the staging area (1.5 Miles)
- Trail maps are available at the trailhead.
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