Dumont Dunes - OHVA      
Bureau of Land Management  (View this site)
San Bernardino County, California
Nearby Trails:  Rasor OHVA, Panamint Valley
Nearby Shops:  Carquest and Autozone  (Pahrump, Nevada)
"The Dumont Dunes Off-Highway Vehicle Area, also referred to as an Open
Area, is an exciting and remote area for off-highway vehicle recreation. Bordered
by steep volcanic hills and the slow running Amargosa River, the region is
easily recognized from a distance by its distinctive sand dunes. The elevation
here varies from 700 feet, at the river,  to 1200 feet at the top of Competition Hill,
the tallest of the dunes.

The historic Tonapah and Tidewater Railroad, to the east, was in operation
between 1905 and 1940. The vegetation here consists of creosote scrub, some
annual grasses, and  wildflowers in the spring. The low elevation in the area
makes for warm to extremely hot conditions in spring and summer. Early spring
wildflower displays in this vicinity can be quite impressive."

- Dumont Dunes OHVA
From Interstate 15     (Barstow -  96 Miles)
-  Take Interstate 15 north  (60 Miles)
-  Exit onto Highway 127 north  (34 Miles)
-  Turn right onto Dumont Dunes Road
-  Easy RV parking one mile south of Dumont Dunes Road

From Interstate 15     (Las Vegas -  126 Miles)
-  Take Interstate 15 south  (92 Miles)
-  Turn right onto Dumont Dunes Road
-  Easy RV parking one mile south of Dumont Dunes Road
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