Cleveland National Forest  (View this site)
San Diego County, California
Nearby Towns:  Pine Valley, Alpine, El Cajon
Nearby Trails:  Superstition Mountain, Glamis, Ocotillo
Nearby Shops:  Four Wheel Direct, 4 Wheel Parts, Off Road Warehouse
From Interstate 8    (San Diego - 57 Miles)
-  Head East on Interstate 8 (47.6 Miles)
-  Take Buckman Springs Road - Exit 51 (3.6 Miles)
-  Turn right onto Morena Stokes Road - Marked for OHV (5.8 Miles)
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4x4TrailMaps All Rights Reserved
Easy -
Moderate -
Most trails consist of graded dirt service roads, possibly with some small ruts, but in most cases
very well maintained.  Roads are typically wide enough to accommodate passing.

While more challenging than the "Easy" rated trails, drivers of all skill levels can enjoy these trails.  
At this level a stock high clearance four wheel drive vehicle is required.  Trails are typically narrow
with possible brush that may scratch your vehicle. Passing usually requires backing up.

Trails at this rating require a vehicle with increased ground clearance and proper protection.  Trails
will often require a spotter and should only be attempted by more experienced off road drivers.  On
most trails at this level 33" tires and at least one locker is recommended.

Trails at this rating require a heavily modified vehicle.  At this point you most likely have more dents
than lugs on your tires, flops and rollovers are just part of your Sunday drive.  Front and rear
lockers, 35" tires and a winch are highly recommended.  "Extreme" rated trails should only be
attempted by the most experienced off road drivers.
Difficult -
Extreme -
Corral Canyon       
Web Links   
Adventure Pass   (Cleveland National Forest)
"We offer over 51 miles of system OHV trails and roads traversing through beautiful
Descanso Ranger District are displayed on the Corral Canyon OHV Area map.
This guide is designed to provide the off-highway vehicle enthusiast with
information, regulations, and travel tips while using National Forest lands.

The trails vary in elevation from 3,400 feet at Corral Canyon Campground to 4,169
feet at Bronco Peak, and vary in degree of difficulty from novice to advanced.

The Corral Canyon OHV area is not an OHV "park". Off-highway vehicle recreation
is just one of the many used allowed on the National Forest. So please ride with
care and always be prepared for other vehicles that may be coming toward you."

Cleveland National Forest
Trail Maps   
Vector Mapping Information  (Google Earth)
Map Overlay  (Google Earth)
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Click the trails and other points of interest for additional information.  This map is avalible for download in the "Trail Maps" section.